Learn engagement tools/skills in order to have productive conversations with patients.
About this course
The goal of this course is for all Care Team Members to learn engagement tools/skills in order to have productive conversations with patients about their health including basic motivational interviewing skills. The Care Team Member will build upon this foundation in order to apply their skills in different situations, such as Medication Assisted Treatment, (MAT) and Palliative Care. The objectives of this course are:
- Describe the patient-centered approach of MI.
- Explain the conversation style that is the Spirit of MI.
- Demonstrate basic MI skills.
- Discuss how to use patient language cues (change talk and resistance) in the application of MI skills.
- Explain how to engage the patient in the four processes in MI necessary for health behavior change.
- Identify barriers to patient engagement and behavior change.
- Identify how to make cultural adaptations to MI
It is strongly recommended to take Introduction to Team Based Care before taking this course.
Learner Materials
- Reflections Activity
- Open Ended Questions Activity
- Taking Care of my Health Action Plan
- Living Room Dictionary Handout
- Readiness Ruler
- How To: Completing Evaluation and Post-Test
- OARS: A Quick Guide*
*DISCLAIMER: The OARS: A Quick Guide document is provided through a collaboration with MI-CCSI and Laura Saunders, Motivational Interviewing content expert of AMI.
Trainer Materials
- Patient Engagement Foundations Slide Deck (Trainer Version) (Google Drive Slides)
- Patient Engagement Foundations Timed Agenda
- Reflections Activity (Trainer Version)
- Open Ended Questions Activity (Trainer Version)
- Patient Engagement Assessment Tool
- Rubric for Evaluating the Self-Assessment Tool
- Process of MI
- Teach Back - 10 Elements of Competence
- Basic Simulation Scenario
- Case Presentation
- MI Learner Plan
- Planning for Health Changes
- Event Posting Link
- Sign In/Out Template (For CE's)
*Trainers interested in offering Pharmacist CEs for their course, please submit your interest via our Contact Form.