Foundation by which to introduce Serious Illness (formerly Palliative Care into primary care practices
About these courses
This training will create a foundation for introducing Serious Illness (formerly Palliative Care) training into the primary care setting earlier in the course of a serious illness. Multiple training sessions have been created and are available to any physician or care team member who would like to attend. The training opportunities are:
- Palliative Care - Optimizing Serious Illness Conversations, Conducting a Comprehensive Assessment and Care Coordination
- This full-day course will cover how to approach and communicate with a person regarding palliative and hospice care services, discuss and honor a person’s wants and wishes for care and help to identify a patient's understanding of their own diagnosis and prognosis Each learner will build upon their skills for engagement training, review the benefits of billing and have an opportunity to practice and solidify components of self-evaluation and awareness.
- It is a 2-part course. The first 2 hours are for the primary care physician, the care manager, and other care team members. The care manager and other care team members will continue the training with approximately 4 additional hours.
Learner Materials:
- Palliative Care Training Overview (PDF) - for the full-day course
Looking for on demand (recorded) Serious Illness Training?
Visit the Serious Illness - On Demand Recorded Information Page