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Certificates Offered
Presented by

Natalie Holland
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services


The MI-POST is an optional form that documents the patient’s decisions and puts them into a physician’s order set that can be followed at any Michigan health care facility, as well as by first responders, and a key tool in the advance care planning process. This webinar will help participants: 
- Describe the POLST paradigm 
- Describe the MI-POST 
- Identify ways of communicating wishes regarding care 
- Identify appropriate uses of MI-POST 
- Troubleshooting conflict around MI-POST 

Additionally, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services will provide updates on changes made to the MI-POST form in 2023. 


PDCM (Provider-Delivered Care Management)
Palliative Care
Certificates Offered
Certificate of Completion
Nursing CE
Social Work CE
Presented by

Additional CKD training and resources are available. Please view the Chronic Kidney Disease Care  training modules for more information.


Chronic Kidney Disease Care Training Modules

 View CKD Care Training Modules

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Chronic Conditions
Certificates Offered
Registered Dietitian CPEU
Certificate of Completion
Continuing Medical Education
Pharmacy CE
Nursing CE
Social Work CE
Presented by

Older adult foundational information will be introduced on the importance of patient-centered care and the patient’s story in ambulatory care. Concepts covered will include gathering pertinent patient data through conversations, social determinants of health, capacity, advance care planning, hospice/palliative care, and appropriate resources


Setting the Stage for Quality, Holistic Care of Older Adults in Ambulatory Care  

Associate Professor
Gerontological Nurse Practitioner
Michigan State University College of Nursing 


2:20 p.m. – 3:20 p.m.



Julie Wietzke, MHSA, MLS
Administrative Director


3:20 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Certificates Offered
Registered Dietitian CPEU
Certificate of Completion
Continuing Medical Education
Pharmacy CE
Nursing CE
Social Work CE
Presented by

This session will provide an overview on how patient experience factors into the key elements of becoming a reliably safe, and high-quality health care provider, as well the connection to burnout in frontline healthcare professionals. The presenter will review the prominent components that matter most to patients, elements that connect to staff engagement, and tools and potential strategies to embrace in transforming the patient experience at each point of care.

1:10 p.m. 2:10 p.m.




Molly White, MPH
Managing Director, Caswell Diabetes Institute
Director, The Brehm Center
Michigan Medicine

Certificates Offered
Registered Dietitian CPEU
Certificate of Completion
Continuing Medical Education
Pharmacy CE
Nursing CE
Social Work CE
Presented by

This session will describe the objectives of a collaborative quality initiative and how they partner with physician organizations and practice units to collect data that is used to identify process that lead to improved delivery of care and outcomes, and highlight developed tools and resources available for front-line care team members supporting specific patient populations.

2:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 




Larrea Young, Mdes
Design Project Manager
Michigan Collaborative for Type 2 Diabetes (MCT2D)


Jacqueline Rau, MHSA
Program Manager
Michigan Collaborative for Type 2 Diabetes (MCT2D) 


Carol Gray, MPH 
Michigan Social Health Interventions to Eliminate Disparities (MSHIELD)


Karla Stoermer Grossman. MHSA, BSN,RN, AE-C
Clinical Site Coordinator 
Inspiring Health Advances in Lung CarE (INHALE) CQI

Certificates Offered
Registered Dietitian CPEU
Certificate of Completion
Continuing Medical Education
Pharmacy CE
Nursing CE
Social Work CE
Presented by

This panel discussion will describe a multi-physician organization experience when participating in the BCBSM serious illness and chronic kidney disease predictive modeling pilots.  Each panel member will describe developed processes and highlight best prac8tices that were created to improve the delivery of care to these specific populations.

1:20 p.m. 2:20 p.m. 



Dr. Michelle Klanke, DO
Regional Administrative Medical Director of Quality 
Trinity Health Alliance of Michigan and Trinity Health Medical Group West Michigan

Erin Lefevre, BSN, RN 
Clinical Manager, Ambulatory Care Management 
Trinity Health Alliance 

Gina Schutter, BS
Manager Quality & Care Management 
Holland PHO

Heidi Steinhebel, BSN, RN
Senior Associate Director of Care Management 
Trinity Health IHA  

Certificates Offered
Registered Dietitian CPEU
Certificate of Completion
Continuing Medical Education
Pharmacy CE
Nursing CE
Social Work CE
Presented by



12:00 p.m. 12:15 p.m. 


Julie Wietzke, MHSA, MLS
Administrative Director


Predictive Analytics: A Clinical Tool for Care Team Transformation

12:20 p.m. 1:10 p.m.  


Can the use of predictive analytics help transform healthcare? We believe the answer is YES at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. Patient interventions are often reactive based upon a visit or encounter within the clinical setting. This session will discuss the importance of having a clinical tool that offers a proactive approach to identify at-risk patients for engagement and interventions to improve quality outcomes.  The BCBSM-Analytics Center of Excellence (ACOE) used techniques centered around data science, statistics, evidence-based medicine, and machine learning to develop clinical predictive models that identify patients who may be most at risk of certain chronic conditions. This session will discuss how the care team can utilize this type of clinical tool to improve operational efficiency and quality outcomes for patients.


Heather Stamat, DO, MBA 
Medical Director, Clinical Partnerships 
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

Certificates Offered
Registered Dietitian CPEU
Certificate of Completion
Continuing Medical Education
Pharmacy CE
Nursing CE
Social Work CE
Presented by

Heather Stamat, DO
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

Navi Brar, MD
St. Clair Nephrology

Andrea Oliverio, MD
University of Michigan

Emily Ashjian, PharmD
University of Michigan


If you would like to claim CE/CME you must review the CE/CME handout before viewing the CKD Management in Primary Care – Panel Discussion. Please click here for more information.


Additional CKD training and resources are available. Please view the Chronic Kidney Disease Care training modules for more information.

 View CKD Care Training Modules

Chronic Conditions
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Certificates Offered
Registered Dietitian CPEU
Certificate of Completion
Continuing Medical Education
Pharmacy CE
Nursing CE
Social Work CE
