An evidence-based care approach to assist patients diagnosed with a serious illness.
This training, using evidence-based approaches, will provide the clinical team with knowledge and skills to assist patients who have a diagnosis or condition termed as a serious illness. The training will review and include:
- Identifying the patient’s understanding of their diagnosis and prognosis
- Approaches to broach, identify, and honor the patient’s wishes and values should their condition worsen
- Building on skills covered in Engagement Training, to include use of motivational interviewing and creating a self-management and care plan that aligns the patient’s wishes, biomedical and psychosocial status and needs
- Review of the link to Team-based Care, to include patient identification, assessment and care planning, monitoring and follow-up and transitioning to specialist/care coordination and use of the interdisciplinary care team
- Review of definitions pertinent to palliative and hospice care services
- Review of the billing and benefits available when providing serious illness, palliative care services and hospice care
- An opportunity to practice and solidify key components and self-evaluation/awareness of abilities in having the serious illness conversation with a trained standard patient, known as simulation
Mi-CCSI has been contracted by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan as the training entity for this project.
Intended audience:
This 2-part training, occurring in a 1-day session includes:
- A 2-hour session for the full clinical team, to include, but not limited to
- The primary care provider, the Provider Delivered Care Manager (PDCM), and other clinical team members who will be involved in the serious illness conversations and management of palliative care services and care coordination.
- The primary care provider, the Provider Delivered Care Manager (PDCM), and other clinical team members who will be involved in the serious illness conversations and management of palliative care services and care coordination.
- After the 2-hour session, the primary care provider portion of the training is completed.
- The remainder of the training, an additional 4 hours, is intended for the Provider Delivered Care Manager and other clinical team members who will be involved in the care coordination, completion of the biomedical and psychosocial assessment, and managing and monitoring the patient care, based on the serious illness conversation.
For more information, please visit: https://www.miccsi.org/training_event/palliative-care-training/
Certificates Offered
Certificate of Completion
Continuing Medical Education
Nursing CE
Social Work CE
Event Type
Serious Illness (formerly Palliative Care)
Registration Closed